How Often Do You Go To Bars?

Discussion in 'Night Chat' started by FuZyOn, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. FuZyOn

    FuZyOn Active Member

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Lately I haven't been going out to bars that much because I've been busy with work and vacation planning, but I used to go at least 2 times a week in the past. I guess I'm getting old.. :(
  2. Drukenduty

    Drukenduty New Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Yeah, same here.
    Work has been taking up more of time lately.
    Plus I don't see some of my friends as often.
    Some chose to leave the country, some just became less close because of normal life stuff.

    Anyway, I used to go out a lot. 2 times a week minimum.
    These days, I'll be lucky to get a real night out every month.
    I still go out for coffee and stuff almost every night though...
  3. Daddy-O

    Daddy-O Active Member

    Apr 7, 2015
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    I don't much at the moment for a number of reasons: slammed for time, lack of good watering holes around here, and it just being easier to drink a cool one at home or mix up a nice drink after work. I wouldn't mind getting out a bit more once the dust settles though.
  4. lexinonomous

    lexinonomous Active Member

    Nov 2, 2015
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    I can understand not making your way to the bars. I have been staying away from the bars lately. I got really tired of dealing with the drunken people around me and the constant fights breaking out. The only time I make my way to the bar is when I can go to a place called W. Wolfskill. Wofskill is one of the bars that chaotic people won't frequent. Because it's a cocktail bar, the partying is kept to a minimum. Majority of the people that attend are looking to have a nice drink and a chat. :)
  5. kgord

    kgord Active Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I don't usually go to bars. I do sometimes go to restaurants that have bars attached though. I was in a bar once, years ago, called the Rusty Nail in Limestone NY. I don't have any idea if it is still there or not, but we just got out of there before a fight broke out...It was a little bit scary honestly.
    lexinonomous likes this.
  6. artyarson

    artyarson Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    I used to hang out at bars almost every weekend. However, in recent times, I hang out like 3-4 nights a month. I've found myself a perfect place or the sweet spot, whatever you wanna call it.
    lexinonomous likes this.
  7. lexinonomous

    lexinonomous Active Member

    Nov 2, 2015
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    This is more of what I do. I tend to go to bars that are attached to restaurants. I can't remember the last time I went to a "real" bar. The Rusty Nail sounds like somewhere I'd want to go, but when you mention fights, it ruins it for me...ha ha. I will have to look it up and see what it's all about. :D
  8. Sue

    Sue Active Member

    Sep 8, 2015
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    I only go to bars once every couple of months. I do drink pretty much every weekend but we always go to private parties or this time of year we camp every weekend. There is a lot of drinking done around the campfire. Its my favorite time and place to drink.
  9. Lisa Jo

    Lisa Jo Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    I am newly single and ready to mingle! I have been going out more lately, but it seems as though I'm going to the same old spots. I'm definitely trying to broaden my horizons for the nightlife. I think perhaps it is the particular places I gravitate towards aren't necessarily singles bars. I go to many "old man" watering holes for them to be too hip. LOL.
    lexinonomous likes this.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I've never really been big on bars. For one, you've got the DD issue and it's never fun drinking while your friend is staying sober. Then there's the price... everything is over priced severely. I'm too cheap to pay $8 for a mixed drink and $4 for piss water beer, plus at least $6 for a cheap shot and $10 for one of something decent. Just way too expensive for me.

    Of course, I could let some guy pay for it but then that means he thinks I'm going to go home with him and he'll be up my ass all night. I'd rather pay for the damn drink myself.

    I'd rather drink at home where it's safe, cheap and I've got a fridge full of food.
    lexinonomous likes this.
  11. kgord

    kgord Active Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I tend to just go to restaurant bars. I rarely go to a bar where the bar is the main attraction. Back in my younger days I did, because there wasn't too much to do in one of the town's I worked in..but this area where I live really doesn't have bars per se anyway.
  12. lexinonomous

    lexinonomous Active Member

    Nov 2, 2015
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    I am always the friend that has to stay sober. I'm glad to see someone being honest about it not being as fun as they'd like it to be. My friends are constantly telling me that they're fine with me remaining sober, but I can tell that it'd be a lot more fun if I was getting intoxicated alongside them.

    The only time I find myself paying more for drinks is when the quality goes up. I go to a bar in my area that serves cocktails for $10-15, but they are completely worth it. Everything is made from scratch, which helps me be a bit more inclined to make the purchase.
    Sue likes this.
  13. explorerx7

    explorerx7 Member

    May 30, 2016
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    I have not had much bar activity of late. Work activities have put a hold on some my recreational outings so I mostly do my sipping at home for the time being. I have to see if I can get back to basics where I can go out and enjoy a few drinks.
  14. sillylucy

    sillylucy Member

    Sep 17, 2015
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    I agree about the DD issue. It is a drag and I feel bad for my one friend who has to sit by and watch everyone act all foolish. I wonder what would happen if bars had a ride share program. They'd be a hit!
  15. FuZyOn

    FuZyOn Active Member

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Yeah, bars that give you discounted rides home would probably be really popular, although no one's stopping you from taking an Uber since they're everywhere or even picking up a cab, oldschool style.
  16. Norm A

    Norm A Member

    Jul 27, 2016
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    I play a lot of pool, and it just happens that most tables in my area are in bars, so I find myself in one bar or another almost every single weekend. That's Fridays and Saturdays.
  17. Sue

    Sue Active Member

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Ya it is not much fun when you are the sober one and you have to put up with a bunch of drunk people. They can get pretty annoying and hard to deal with sometimes. It is much more fun when you are one of them. We usually just cab it so that everybody can drink unless there is somebody is just doesn't want to drink for whatever reason.
  18. tony

    tony Active Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    I do not go to bars often, once or twice in a month. The main reason I'm not always at bars is because I'm not into drinking of beer all the time and do not smoke or like a smoking environment. Going by my own style of living I think visiting bars once a month is okay.
  19. AngelaMc

    AngelaMc Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    I definitely don't go to bars like I use to. In the past I would go to a bar that had bands and dance and drink the night away. Oh I had a lot of fun times back then. But as I have gotten older now I just enjoy listening to my music and having a few drinks at home. I probably go to a bar now maybe once or twice a year.:)
  20. Stephens

    Stephens Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Wе аs humаns hаvе this nаturаl instinсt thаt pulls us tоgеthеr. Its nаturаl thаt wе wаnt tо соnnесt with оthеr pеоplе, wе аrе сuriоus, wе аrе hоrny аnd wе gо bоnkеrs if wе sit аlоnе tоо lоng. Wе nееd tо sее hоw оur livеs аrе gоing by mееting nеw pеоplе fасе tо fасе аnd sее hоw thеir livеs аrе gоing. Bаrs prоvidе thе sосiаl lubriсаnt tо rеlаx us. Givе us thе аtmоsphеrе tо bump intо оnе аnоthеr аnd sаy Hеy.
    I sаy mоst pеоplе gо tо bаrs tо соnnесt, rеlаx, wind dоwn, hаvе fun, mееt pеоplе, lооk аt pеоplе, rооt fоr thеir tеаm tоgеthеr, brеаk up thе mоnоtоny оf lifе, stаy in tоuсh with thеir friеnds, bе sееn, bе hеаrd, listеn tо musiс, plаy gаmеs еtс. Thе аlсоhоl just hаppеns tо bе thеrе. Hоw соnvеniеnt. Wе usеd tо еvеn tаlk pоlitiсs in my bаr, imаginе thаt.

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