Having worked in some rather nice restaurants as both a server and a bartender, I was asked on occasion to help decide which foods to pair with various drinks. Bourbon was a tricky one, but I recently read an interesting article on this subject. Similar to wine, some bourbon may go well with various cheeses. One section talked about grilled cheese sandwiches being paired with a cocktail. It originally began as a joke, but for some, it is now considered a pleasing treat. I was thinking that gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches made with interesting cheeses or different types of bread (rather than a typical sandwich) may very well be a great accompaniment to a glass or your favorite bourbon. What do you think?
Yes absolutely. I think that would pair well with any Bourbon. I love grilled cheese sandwiches, and I think however they are prepared it would be a great match.
I have always liked grilled cheese. My mom made the best, ha ha. She didn't mess around with those plastic cheese slices, she used real cheese and real butter. I think a blue cheese stuffed burger would also be a good choice. Oh, great. Now, I'm making myself hungry.
This is one where I need more of a meal with. Usually I would not really have liquors with food, but if I must, and bourbon would be a good choice, I would like something hearty to go with it. Maybe a good steak or some potatoes.
Personally, I'd usually prefer a nice glass of wine with food. I just find the whole concept of pairing foods with various beverages to be interesting. I probably wouldn't have given much thought to what would go with bourbon, if I hadn't been asked. Now, it's just another interesting item on the list for me. I think a steak would work just fine.
I am not used to having liquor with meal, I enjoy doing that with meat instead. I'm thinking maybe bourbon would be fine with meal. I normally would go for soft drinks with meal. I probably will try having my bourbon with meal someday to see how it feels in the mouth.
My fаvоritе pаiring is hоnеstly, а glаss оf Wооdfоrd Rеsеrvе bоurbоn аlоngsidе а plаtе оf burgеr аnd friеs. It mаy nоt bе thе mоst еlеgаnt pаiring in thе wоrld but thе tоnеs оf thе bоurbоn gо vеry wеll with riсh fооds thаt аrе sаlty withоut hаving оvеrly prоnоunсеd оr соmplеx flаvоr prоfilеs fоr thе bоurbоn tо сlаsh аgаinst. Bоurbоn wоrks wеll with аnything with а similаr flаvоr prоfilе: sаlty sаndwiсhеs, оniоn rings, еtс. I wоuldn't еnсоurаgе drinking bоurbоn аlоngsidе spiсy fооd. Fоr instаnсе, Kоrеаn сuisinе is my fаvоritе but thе shаrp, tаngy, wооdsy tоnеs оf bоurbоn сlаsh with thе spiсy tоnеs оf mоst Kоrеаn dishеs.
I put а shоt оf bоurbоn in еvеry bаtсh оf iсе сrеаm оr shеrbеt I mаkе- it сuts thrоugh thе tоnguе соаting thаt diminishеs thе plеаsurе оf еаting it, аnd it brightеns thе оthеr flаvоrs
Interesting. Kind of like how certain wines can counteract the richness of different foods. I imagine you use a lower proof variety for this endeavor. Very creative. I was just going to note that another thing to keep in mind for pairing is the proof. Higher proof works better with heavier, heartier foods, and lower proof is better for lighter dishes, as not to overpower.
I think banana bread is nice to pair with a sweet bourbon and some other things that go great with this tasty drink,is a savory steak of some kind,also some rather light cheese and crackers, and maybe some oaky tasting bourbon to wash it down, would be nice. I think a good fruit they recommend is some delicate peaches with bourbon,but I have never tried this one?
Well sometimes I would have to think that it goes well with a nice steak or other piece of good meat. But I also think most things would go well with that.
If you ask me, I don't want my full meals to be tainted with any taste of alcohol, so I would prefer finger foods to go along with it, like nuts or junk food, also nachos and tacos.
I've never tried it either. Peaches are one of my favorite fruits though, so I'd consider it. I've had spiced peaches soaked in brandy, but I've never tried them with bourbon. It sounds interesting. I think cherries would go well with bourbon (and not just the maraschino kind, ha ha). Fresh cherries sound good.
Oh I like the idea of pairing it with some cherries, and that opens it up a lot for me too. The sweet and tangy seems to work well together.